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Beacons of Love

September 2012

Blessings beautiful friend,

It's such an honor to reconnect with you once again. As the seasons begin to change and a gentle feeling of anticipation slowly fills the air once again. Up until the end of August, the energies had been relatively quiet. This brief pause allotted us some time to integrate with the intense energies that entered the collective consciousness back in July and first few days of August. Now, a general sense of anticipation is slowly building back up as we enter the final quarter to what has already been a paradigm shifting year.

The Wise Oak Tree


Recently, as I was going on one of my usual relaxing nature walks, I felt guided to take a different path than I normally do. While walking down the remote and off the map trail, I felt a sense of peace wash over me even though I had no idea where I was actually going. After walking for about 30 minutes or so, I noticed off in the distance a majestic looking oak tree that had to be quite a few centuries old. As I got closer to the tree, I noticed that the peaceful feeling I had earlier grew even more present within me. After a few moments of admiring and connecting with the wise oak tree, it hit me that I was sitting in the presence of Divinity itself. Everything from the grass under the tree to the singing birds and other wildlife playing off in the distance began to look and feel completely different. It felt as if I was observing everything through the eyes of the Universe itself.

Prior to this experience, I had always received glimpses of similar moments, however this time the shift felt more palpable and lasting. After soaking in the wisdom of the tree for about an hour, I thanked the I AM presence within the oak tree and began to head back to the trail. While walking back, I had a sort of epiphany: I realized that the oak tree was so present in its own Divinity, that it was able to awaken others who were ready and available to the Divinity within themselves. Wow, how awe-inspiring that such wisdom can come from an oak tree that has been standing strong for hundreds of years holding this sacred space for so many to potentially step into.

The experience with the oak tree reminded me that we are always supported no matter what form that support comes in. I realized that it's just about allowing ourselves to be open enough to saying 'yes' to being supported whether it comes from a close friend, a family member, a pet, community, inner feeling, spirit guide, or in this case from a wise oak tree.

Many of us know that the conscious journey we've chosen for ourselves sometimes feels a bit isolating. Of course choosing this path allows us to be self-sufficient and empowered, however, it's okay to ask for and receive support. The Universe is creating new ways to support us daily. We are never alone nor will we ever be. So if we are finding ourselves a bit overwhelmed or burdened, let's be willing to allow the Universe to support us in every area of our lives.

Beacons of Love

By now, it's no longer a secret that great personal and global changes are taking place. Some of these changes can feel blissful while others may feel the complete opposite. The key to moving through it all is to remain grounded in love.

We have the opportunity right this minute to hold a sacred space of love and compassion for the world as a whole to step into, even if many are still caught up in the seeming upheaval and fear mindset. Each one of us is powerful and fully capable of being able to hold this sacred space of love and compassion for the world. I've always felt that even if there was only one person on the planet holding a consistent space of love and compassion for the masses, eventually that one person will create a domino effect allowing the whole world to match the same vibration of love and compassion that the person was able to tap into. However, thank goodness we have an abundance of radiant beings around the world committed to holding a continuous space of love, which is allowing the collective transition to move more quickly.

The thing is, love is here now. It is not missing nor has it ever been. Love has the ability to remain neutral in all circumstances because it knows no judgment. We have that same ability because we are beings of love in physical form and with every beat of our heart. Peace, joy, and compassion are also here and available to us now. We don't have to wait to anchor them into our lives, because we have actually been these energies all along. No matter what is going on in the outside world, we can choose to free ourselves by connecting with these energies at any given moment. They are unconditionally available to us and are a part of our Divine inheritance.

Thanking it All

In order to move forward with more ease, we are currently being guided to get into a place within ourselves where we can fully be grateful for all of our experiences past, present, and future no matter how 'good' or 'bad' they seemed. Every experience that we have ever had in our lives has brought us to the awareness that we have today. The experiences may have been extremely challenging to overcome or they may have been easy breezy, but they all brought us to this point in time of Divine remembrance. The experiences have brought us in alignment with choosing to be our most authentic self which has far outweighed being anything less. This awareness in itself is worth all that we went through to get here. With this understanding, it becomes easier to be grateful for all our experiences, because we recognize that everything we went through was a blessing. Even the most difficult situations become gifts that we would have never received if we had not experienced them.

When we are able to thank all our experiences, no matter how easy or challenging they may seem, we are able to release all attachments that may have prevented us from moving past the energies that no longer serve our greatest good, and into new adventures that feel more in alignment with the greatest vision for our lives.

Till next time,

Miraculously yours,


©2009-2012 Emmanuel Dagher, Magnified Manifesting All Rights Reserved You are absolutely welcome to share and distribute these forecasts with others as you feel guided. Please make sure to keep the integrity of this article by including the author & source website link.


The Ascension

August 2012

Hi my beautiful friend,

It's such an honor to reconnect with you once again and catch up on all the energetic shifts happening at this time. Between the M class/ X class solar storms, Mercury in retrograde, influential planetary alignments, powerful new moon and the rapid awakening of global consciousness, things are moving and shaking big time both in our personal lives and on the planet. These experiences may not necessarily look or feel how we imagined them to be, but nevertheless we are most definitely moving forward at warp speed right now. When energies start to pick up momentum, everything in our lives becomes amplified many fold. What we experience depends solely on where we have been placing our focus and attention.

If I were to sum up into one word how the energies have been these past several weeks, the word intense comes to mind, however even that is still putting it mildly. We are getting the opportunity to see many extremes at this time both in our personal lives and on the global stage. On a personal level, the highs may seem higher than ever one minute, and then all of a sudden we get triggered and spiral into lows we thought we had overcome long ago. The same thing is happening on the global stage as well. The thing about intensity is that it's a precursor for great transformation to happen soon after.

What is being asked of us right now is simply to become observers. When we are able to step out of a reactive space that may be triggered by our surroundings and move more into being an observer, we begin to see every experience as just feedback letting us know what we either do or do not resonate with. Getting into observer mode immediately lessens the charge behind whatever it is that may be causing our angst. From this space, when we do encounter extremes in our surroundings, it becomes much easier to remain centered and unbothered by it all. As observers, we empower ourselves through all situations (even the ones we don't resonate with) to fine tune our knowing of what we do actually want to create more of. So extreme situations no longer become as extreme when we are observers, because we are no longer allowing ourselves to get caught up in them.

A quick little process that really supports us in becoming observers rather than reactors is to simply get present with each of our 5 senses without putting value in what we perceive to be good or bad. We can begin by looking around us and taking in all the colors, shapes, and sizes. Then, we can get present with the sounds we hear around us. Next, we can touch the textures around us with our hands. After that, we can focus on what fragrances may be surrounding us. And finally what are we tasting in that moment? This simple process instantly helps us move out of the analytical mind and into the present moment where we are able to connect with the observer aspect of ourselves.

The Ascension

What is ascension? There are many different perspectives, teachings, and writings out there on this subject, especially in spiritual and conscious communities. Ascension is less about a destination we are headed to, and more about a way of living and being leading to ultimate freedom. At any given time when societies reach a certain level of awareness, the perfect environment is created for an energetic opening also known as a ‘door/portal’ for great shifts in consciousness to occur. This perfect environment has now been created, and has been in the works for many decades through the hard work and dedication of many.

Every person is being given the opportunity to move through this energetic opening known as ascension. This opening is not something we can ever find outside of ourselves. It has nothing to do with being saved by an outside force or society greater or less than ours. For those of us who may still believe that ascension is about being saved, that's absolutely okay. Each of us is exactly where we are meant to be on our journey. The portal/opening will not close or leave anyone behind. Each one of us is simply moving at our own pace and there's no judgment to which pace is the right one. Every pace is perfect and Divine.

The opening/portal that we've created is as close to us as our sacred breath. Many who have stepped into may not even realize they've done so until they reflect back to see how much they have shifted in the past few days, weeks, months, and years. To find out if you have stepped into the portal known as ascension, simply think back to how you were five, two, or even one year ago. Also, think about how the world was then, and how it is now. Is everything the same or has changed a great deal?

Global Ascension

Globally, there are many things we are seeing that are proof that the world is ascending. The concept of 'bullying' is now at the forefront. Bullying (another word for controlling) is no longer being tolerated, whether there are bullies at our local schools or the institutional leaders who have controlled large amounts of people through fear. We are transcending illusions of the differences we created through separating ourselves by race, gender, class, sexual orientation, beliefs, time, space, etc.

Even in the work force, companies that have been founded on principles of integrity, respect, inclusively, sustainability, and true service are thriving. Companies that are not operating from these core principles are really struggling and will soon realize, if they haven't already done so, that they will become extinct making room for even more conscious businesses to flourish.

Personal Ascension

On a personal level, we are all ascending in our own unique way. For some, the shift could show up as simple as not being able to hurt a fly or insect anymore, where before we wouldn't have even thought twice about it. For others it could be this inner desire to feel more connected to themselves, others, and all that is through personal practices that develop inner love, gratitude, service, compassion, forgiveness, self care, intuitive/healing gifts, healthy eating, meditation, overall awareness and the list goes on... These are just a few examples of confirmations that we are in fact experiencing ascension.

Mother Earth's Ascension

Just as each of us has the opportunity to ascend so too does mother earth. It doesn't mean that she's going to separate into two different planets or anything of that nature. She will however go through natural earth movements to better accommodate us in our new ways of being and living in the world. We've already experienced many of these movements. There's absolutely nothing to fear, because we are always exactly where we are meant to be. All is well and preparations are simply being made to match our ever evolving level of awareness.

The Sun

You may have noticed that many in spiritual/conscious communities speak of solar storms/flares as they occur and how they affect us on an energetic level. The sun is the center of our solar system. We all know that and without it nothing in this system would exist. Just like everything else, the sun goes through dormant cycles and active cycles.

Currently, the sun is going through a highly active cycle. Much of this is being manifested through solar storms, which sends out waves of energy that reach every part of the solar system it makes up. When these waves enter the electro magnet energy fields of earth and our bodies, we experience it as well: nothing is left unaffected. We all know that everything is energy: our body, our mind, our thoughts, plants, animals, water, planets, stars, EVERYTHING. So when waves of higher energy enters another energy that is resonating at a bit lower of a frequency, the lower frequency begins shifting and vibrating at a higher frequency. This is what is happening to each one of us, whether it is on levels of the mind, body, emotions, etc...
One very obvious manifestation of this is that linear time is moving much faster than before. Some we can actually feel this shift in frequency a bit more than others, but it shows up in some way for everyone whether they realize it or not. As these waves of energy from the sun continue to pour in, our physical, emotional and mental bodies will continue to shift into higher frequencies, where they may take on more expanded waves of being.

Ascension Symptoms

Of course with higher waves of energy entering our planet almost on a daily basis, there is most definitely an integration that needs to happen. Many of us have come to know these integrations as 'Ascension Symptoms.' For those who are familiar with these physical and emotional systems, you already know most of what I am about to share. However, for those who may not necessarily be aware of what these symptoms are, hopefully you will receive some clarity as to what may be going on. If you are experiencing a physical or emotional symptom that you are not sure about, always check with your holistic or health practitioner to make sure everything is a-okay.

If we do experience any of the following symptoms, it's important to give ourselves permission to feel through them without judgment. By doing so, we will allow the integration process to move much more quickly so that we can feel back to our optimum selves again. Specifically, when it comes to the emotional symptoms, finding healthy outlets to move through them is ‘key’ so that we don't project them on to ourselves and those around us.

Physical manifestations of ascension symptoms may show up as:

• anxiety
• big change in eating pattern
• weight Gain/Loss
• memory Loss
• ringing Ear
• vertigo
• disoriented
• pressure in 3rd eye or temples (almost like a headache)
• cramps
• heightened senses
• sleep patterns change
• stomach ache
• hot Flashes
• tired
• hungry all the time

Emotional manifestations of ascension symptoms may show up as:

• emotional ups & downs
• crying
• anger
• moodiness
• irritation
• burst of laughter
• worrying
• depression
• over analyzing
• lots of energy, not knowing what to do with it

The Unity Grid Strengthens

As promised, in June I mentioned that I would write about the importance of the 2012 Summer Olympic Games. The Olympics originally began with the purpose of promoting competition and excellence in a certain area of sport. Now, it has become more about bringing the world together in a peaceful way to show that with team work, dedication, and good camaraderie that anything is possible. For several weeks, countries around the world are putting aside their differences and walking together as ‘One people’. As I was watching the opening ceremonies, I got chills seeing countries like Iran, Lebanon, Israel, Iraq, North Korea, and South Korea among many others walk side by side in peace with joy in their heart. Each time the crowd would cheer for each country, I could feel another wave of love being sent out to the rest of the world.

The Olympic games have activated the heart chakra of the collective. It's by no accident that they are happening in London, which is where Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) serves as the center point for what we perceive as time across the world. You could say that symbolically this is where the 'heartbeat' or ‘center point of the world is’. Billions of people around the world have come together to see sport being played peacefully. In doing so, a unity grid has been strengthened which is opening up the collective heart of humanity to allow the new era of peace to begin.

Till next time,

Miraculously yours,


©2009-2012 Emmanuel Dagher, Magnified Manifesting All Rights Reserved You are absolutely welcome to share and distribute these forecasts with others as you feel guided. Please make sure to keep the integrity of this article by including the author & source website link.


Our New Eyes

Energy Forecast - July 2012

Our New Eyes

Hi my miraculous friend, I am so grateful to connect with you once again, and share some of the energetic happenings going on at this time.

Surrender Time

The energies pouring in right now are guiding us to move into a place of surrender. The idea of surrendering has nothing to do with giving up anything. In fact, giving up and surrendering are completely different vibrations. To surrender simply means we are able to release all that hinders us from living in the natural flow of life where we are able to create our greatest lives. For many of us who were/are hanging on to dear life as a result of the current energetic climate, are literally being pushed to our breaking point so that we can finally come to a place where we completely surrender.

If we are someone who is still identifying themselves by their story, past experiences, or what society has told us we should be, then we may still be holding on to the old fear based Earth Matrix. In this vibration, there is still great struggle. If we are in this space, let's be willing to give ourselves full permission to let go and surrender all the doubts, worries, fears, and resistance still keeping us there. Let's allow ourselves to enter our very new miraculous lives. It's here, and it's waiting for us.

It's important to note that living from a place of surrender does require some practice and intention. The more we practice living our lives from this space, the more second nature it will become.

Seeing Through the Eyes of the Universe

For those who have consciously made the choice to surrender, there's some major magic happening right now. We are being gifted with the opportunity of remembering that our eyes and inner sight are indeed the eyes of the Universe. In return, we are actually beginning to see the world in a brand new way. The veils have completely lifted.

When a newborn baby comes into the world, he or she sees the magic and wonder in every person, place, thing, and experience. The only difference is that their mind is not fully developed enough to digest & comprehend it all the way we as adults can. With all that we have learned and remembered about ourselves and life itself (which mostly comes through lifetimes of experience,) we are now able to look at everything with childlike wonder as we take in all the beauty and splendor around us. At the same time, we are able to see through our magical eyes with an expanded awareness and wisdom that can only come with experience. Every single experience we went through no matter if we deemed them good or bad at the time, are what have led us to this miraculous moment in time where we are able to see the magic in everything. This is what it means to see through the eyes of the Universe.

Everything is New Again

As we start to see through the eyes of the Universe, many of us may notice that everything becomes new again. Energetically, many of us are feeling called to see old friends that we have not seen in a very long time. Some of us are feeling a pull to visit our hometowns or locations we grew up in, that we may have moved away from a long time ago. This pull can also be to locations and geographical vortex points we may not have necessarily been to in this lifetime, but rather a previous lifetime. Others are feeling guided to resolve any unfinished business from their past. If we are someone who feels a pull to do any of these things, then that is part of the 'everything is new again' energy happening right now.

A big part of the current 'everything is new again' experience is actually creating a massive collective healing for our world. We are being guided to go back to those times and locations in our lives that have simply become a distant memory and are being asked to shift any old or out-dated belief systems we may still be carrying around them. By doing this, we are able to heal them and actually bring them back to our present moment where we can have a brand new perspective on them. With this new way of looking at our past, we no longer allow it to hinder us in anyway. In fact, we can now easily move forward and create the miraculous lives we have always known is possible for ourselves.

The New Children

A big part of this magical new energy we are able to connect with has a lot to do with the children coming in at this time. These luminous children are holding a sacred space of love, magic, joy, play, unity, wholeness, Divinity, and peace that is drastically raising the collective vibration of the world. They are gifts to us and we are gifts to them. It's a symbiotic relationship in the sense that, those 'Love Workers' who have diligently been working towards raising the consciousness of the world for over half a century have made it so that these beautiful children can return and support us across that finish line to the world we may have only once read, heard, or dreamed about.

Till next time,

Miraculously Yours,


©2009-2012 Emmanuel Dagher, Magnified Manifesting All Rights Reserved You are absolutely welcome to share and distribute these forecasts with others as you feel guided. Please make sure to keep the integrity of this article by including the author & source website link.


New Beginnings

June 2012

Peace & blessings,

Do you remember that feeling of being a senior on the last day of your high school experience, literally looking at the clock counting down the seconds to when you would be exiting the doors of your school once and for all? There was probably a sense of excitement mixed with an abundance of joy for accomplishing 12+ years of hard work. Although a brand new day was just around the corner, there was probably also a sense of nostalgia for the simple fact that a major chapter in our lives was coming to an end. We knew that everything we had known to be our reality up to that point as it showed up through our environment, friendships, and experiences was about to change forever.

Right now, we are moving through a similar energetic experience equivalent to the last days of being in school. There's a collective sense of having one foot in a brand new chapter of our lives, and another foot still in the paradigm we've been living in for so long.


During times of major transition, there's usually a reflection period that occurs, allowing us to marinate on all of the profound experiences that have brought us to where we are at on our present journey. For many, times of transition can bring out an array of emotions, from over-the-top bliss to moments of sadness, back to laughter and everything in between. It's absolutely normal to experience all of these emotions at the same time, especially as we move out of a way of living and being what we've been used to for so long.

The key to moving through transitional periods with more ease and grace is to simply love our way through whatever we are going through. Yes, that includes loving ourselves through every emotion. Experiencing emotions that feel a little more out of balance or ‘all over the place’ is simply feedback that we are moving through great change and our emotional bodies are re-calibrating to the new reality we are creating.

Full Speed Ahead

That being said, the Solar Eclipse that occurred in May has ushered in the opportunity for new beginnings to manifest in our present reality at full speed ahead. Because energy is now shifting so quickly, it's important to continue focusing on our desired intentions. Many of us have noticed that as soon as we think about something, it shows up soon after. We can really use this powerful time to move out of the limiting thought patterns about ourselves and the world around us.

In the month of June, we also have a few other celestial happenings with the Lunar Eclipse and the transit of Venus (which usually happens in pairs several years apart, last one being in 2004 and will not occur again for over a hundred years.) Because the moon and Venus represent such strong aspects of the Divine Feminine which is all about compassion, creativity, beauty, love, abundance, feeling, and nurturing energy, there's going to be another huge shift in the coming weeks and months ahead in the collective from a mind based society to a more heart based society.

How is this already showing up? Globally, we are seeing people step back into their Divine power, and are no longer allowing fear based agendas to affect their way of life. This is happening all over the world including in Montreal, Greece, The Middle East, the U.S., and many other countries. Ignorance simply cannot survive anymore. Even people who may not consider themselves connoisseurs in world affairs are beginning to take notice that the world is changing. We may not be hearing about it in the mainstream media, but the tides are changing and the balance of power is coming back to the people rather than the few who have been in control for a very long time.

Another turning point just around the corner that will greatly affect the collective consciousness in a positive way, is the upcoming 2012 Olympic Games which will take place in London this August. Although the Olympics originally began with the purpose of promoting competition and excellence in a certain area of sport, it has taken on a whole new vibration over the years as the Feminine energies continued to amplify. The purpose now has become one of Unity. For two weeks, countries will put aside their differences and walk together as ‘One people’. Also, billions of people around the world will be watching and also connecting with this energy of unity, which will create a huge vortex that opens up the collective heart of humanity. I will share more about this as the time comes, but if you are someone who is sensitive to energy, you may already be tapping into what's to come in the next few months.

On a personal level, as we integrate even more with the feminine energies being ushered in this June, we may experience more of the following:

*A boost in our creativity
*More vigor and zest
*Feeling more connected
*A call to be of service
*Stepping into our power
*A fresh start
*Self care
*Body movement
*Connecting with the Earth
*Spiritual expansion

Trusting Our Intuition

As we collectively move more into our heart centers, trusting our intuition becomes easier. By choosing to trust and listen to our intuition, everything begins to align into place. It's when we are not listening to our intuition that we experience a bit more challenges in our lives, because there's usually some type of resistance to trusting happening on our behalf.

At this point, it's almost impossible not to follow our intuition. If we are someone who finds ourselves in a job, relationship, or any other situation that we are not feeling happy with, we're probably find ourselves in a place of feeling stuck. To get un-stuck, we simple have to be willing to let our intuition lead the way. Our intuition only steers us in a direction that is in alignment with our highest and greatest good. This direction is usually the one that feels the most joyous, gentle, and fulfilling to us. So let's be willing to continue trusting our intuition as we move ahead into the miraculous journey ahead of us.

Till next time,

Miraculously yours,


©2009-2012 Emmanuel Dagher, Magnified Manifesting All Rights Reserved You are absolutely welcome to share and distribute these forecasts with others as you feel guided. Please make sure to keep the integrity of this article by including the author & source website link.


The New Earth

Hi my beautiful friend,

With so much happening in our personal lives and globally, I'm so grateful we can take this moment right now to connect with each other again.

The theme for this month will continue to expand on action as we move forward (previously mentioned in the April forecast.) The exciting news for this month is that there's also great potential for us to materialize some of the desires and goals we've been diligently working towards in our personal lives and globally. On the world stage, we are already seeing a few examples of the materialization of our desire for a better world. We are seeing Intelligence Agencies, oil and other corporate companies be held accountable for their covert actions of the past. To continue with this big push forward of transparency, all that is asked of us is that we continue to remain grounded in love, and send this love to everything and everyone around us, even towards these systems and companies.

Have you noticed how many companies are now choosing to turn a new leaf in the way they do business, and operate with more integrity? There seems to be a higher focus on choosing to be more conscious and green. They know that the world is changing, and so they must also adapt in order to continue moving forward. What a great confirmation of the changing times! These companies are mirroring how we as individuals are also shifting out of the old paradigm and into a higher state of being.

Asking for What We Really Desire

On a personal level, this is an excellent time to get clear on what we want in our lives. Most of us already know, however for those of us who don't, that's okay as well. Here are some great questions we can ask ourselves to get more clarity on what we want to create more of in our lives:

- "What makes my heart sing?"
- "What can I do to create more joy in my life?"
- "What do I really want to create more of in my life?"

These are just a few simple questions that can help us start to get clear on what we really want to experience more of in our lives. Once we are clear, we can begin letting go of the hesitations and blocks that have prevented us from asking for what we really desire most for ourselves. What I mean by this is, many of us have been conditioned to only ask for the bare minimum when it comes to receiving help and support from others, and even from the Universe. When we share and express what we really desire with the Universe and those around us, we open ourselves up to receiving opportunities we may not have otherwise had a chance to experience before. The thing is, the Universe wants to give us everything we've ever desired for ourselves, it's just about how open we are to receiving it. As more of us align with the New Earth, we will find it easier to ask for what we really desire, because we'll have the inner knowing that we absolutely deserve it.

The New Earth

Speaking of the New Earth, what is it really? Everyone has their own unique perspective of what the New Earth is. From my own experience, I have come to understand that the New Earth is more about a state of being, rather than some place we are going to. The New Earth both on a personal and global scale is the paradigm where we operate from a place of love, compassion, respect, and integrity.

The New Earth can only exist in the present moment. It cannot exist in the past or in the future, because a mind that constantly lives in the past usually has energies of regret, guilt, and shame attached to it, and a mind that constantly lives in the future tends to dwell on what's next all the time, which often manifests itself as worry, lack, fear and stress, which never really allows us to fully enjoy the present moment. When we are fully in the present moment, we are at our most powerful. In the present moment, we are in a place of trust, ease, love, miracles and connection which are all qualities that embody the New Earth.

Anchoring the New Earth

The New Earth is not just about a future Utopia, it's already here now. Many of us move in and out of the New Earth on a daily basis whether we are aware of it or not. To be more in the New Earth, we simply have to be here now. It sounds like an easy concept, however we have become so used to multi-tasking with the integration of cell phones, computers, and other technologies in our daily lives that the mind sometimes has a hard time relaxing enough to get present. With a little dedication to quieting the mind everyday, we can quickly move back into the present moment. There are many wonderful processes that can help us do just that. By incorporating things like meditation, intentional breathing, being of service to others, letting go and forgiving the past, unconditional kindness, peaceful walks, connecting with nature, affirmative prayer, pampering ourselves, and gratitude into our daily routine, we can gently align ourselves back into the present moment and the New Earth.

The New Earth is all around us. We can find it in the smile of a baby, a radiant sunset, a wise oak tree, lunch with a good friend, in ourselves, and in each other. The quicker we realize that the New Earth is less about a destination we are headed towards, and more about a state of being, the sooner it will become a very real experience for humanity as a whole.

Till next time,

Miraculously yours,

©2009-2012 Emmanuel Dagher, Magnified Manifesting All Rights Reserved You are absolutely welcome to share and distribute these forecasts with others as you feel guided. Please make sure to keep the integrity of this article by including the author & source website link.