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And... Action!

Hi my beautiful friend,

The celestial energies right now are highly active, making it the perfect time for us to take action towards creating the reality of our choice. Just like the seasons, the energy all around us and in the ethers also goes through a dormant and/or highly active cycle. As we start our journey of looking inwards, we begin to feel into these cycles of energy. With alignment, comes the natural intuitive ability to know when it's time for us to pause, and when it's time for us to take action. Right now, we are entering a time of action.

Taking Action

What does taking action look like both personally and globally? On a personal level, taking action shows up differently for each of us. Here are just a few examples of how we may be called to take action right now:

*starting new projects or ventures;

*tying up loose ends from the past (personal/financial/etc.);

*moving to a new location;

*starting a new job;

*changing our diet and wellness protocol;

*starting new relationships or transitioning out of old ones;

*pursuing goals and dreams;


*feeling guided to exercise and be more physically active;

*taking a new class or course;

*revisiting talents and gifts we haven't used in a while; and

*cleaning our house, donating and getting rid of what we no longer use.

If we are feeling guided to take action towards any of these areas of our lives, now is the time.

With the rise of global consciousness, we are becoming even more sensitive to everything around us. We may notice that there are certain foods we used to eat that we just can't eat anymore. We may notice some connections we used to have with friends and family members that are changing as well. All that is asked of us is to put our trust in the Universe without always having to over analyze what's going on.

During highly active cycles on a global scale, here are just a few examples of what may be showing up right now:

*continued Earth shifts and movements;

*changes in weather patterns;

*new technologies, breakthroughs and achievements that have a collective impact;

*heightened awareness towards causes that impact humanity;

*revolutions and other social changes;

*distractions and resistance (usually stemming from old structures that are unable to embrace great change); and

*paradigm shifting events.

Although some of these things can seem a bit overwhelming, they are confirmations that the world is readjusting to a higher frequency. Because change isn't something the world is always comfortable with, a little bit of resistance is a good indicator that big breakthroughs are on the near horizon.

Two Methods of Taking Action

There are two methods to taking action. We can either try to make action happen, or we can allow action to happen.

When we try to make action happen, we usually come up against a great deal of resistance. Making something happen requires that we spend lots of time and energy on something that may or may not manifest itself into our lives. As a society, many of us grew up learning that making and forcing something to happen in our lives is what will bring it closer to us. We were taught that by being aggressive towards making our dreams a reality, we would experience optimum rewards and fulfillment. We were taught that the harder we work, the more things we could acquire to make us happy. Even though this method may have worked for few temporarily, most of the time it came with some kind of price.

When we operate from a space of always trying to make or force something to happen in our lives, we usually put a great deal of pressure or stress on our emotional and mental bodies. In turn, this can eventually manifest itself as an imbalance in our physical body.

The preferred method when it comes to taking action is to practice the art of allowing. When we allow action to happen, we usually start from a solid foundation of putting our full trust in the Universe. With this trust, we no longer need to oversee or control every specific detail in our lives. There's a sense of ease and grace that comes with allowing, because we know that the Universe is taking care of all the details.

The method of allowing action to happen doesn't mean we sit around and do nothing when it comes to manifesting our goals. It does however mean that we constantly choose to align ourselves with the present moment where we are at our most powerful. It's in this present moment that we become ‘master manifestors'. Also, in the present is when we are paying the most attention to all of the opportunities around us. And when the time comes for these opportunities to present themselves, that's when we take the inspired action necessary towards them in a way that feels easy and graceful to us.

The Magnified Effect

During times of high active energies, it's imperative to make sure we are focusing on what we want to create in our lives as opposed to what we don't want to create. The reason being, what we spend most of our time focusing on now will have a good chance of manifesting itself into our experience quickly. Let's use this time to constantly take inventory of all the blessings in our lives and really express our gratitude for it all so that we can continue to attract even more blessings to be grateful for.

Till next time,

Miraculously yours,

©2009-2012 Emmanuel Dagher, Magnified Manifesting All Rights Reserved You are absolutely welcome to share and distribute these forecasts with others as you feel guided. Please make sure to keep the integrity of this article by including the author & source website link.


A Healing For The Ages

March 2012

Hi my beautiful friend,

How have you been feeling lately? As a direct result of the heightened energies at this time, many of us are catching more glimpses of the magic anchoring and weaving itself into our daily experience. On the lighter side, these energies are showing up in a few ways. Many of us are noticing more synchronicities, moments of clarity, déjà-vu experiences, and quicker manifestations.

With heightened energies also comes major cleansing. This cleansing period is making many of us feel weighed down a bit more so than we have in a while. This feeling of heaviness can sometimes get confused with old feelings we thought we let go of a long time ago. It's important to be aware that even though some of the current energy movements are triggering us back to those points in our lives we felt we had overcome, we have in fact made great progress. The triggers are simply a sign that we've got a little bit more releasing to do. Also, for those of us who are highly sensitive to energy, we may simply be feeling into the collective cleansing happening at this time, which we sometimes internalize as being our own. I'll be expanding on this a bit more later in the forecast.

A Healing for the Ages

Throughout March & early April, we will move into a historic healing cycle. All healings we've received up to this point have prepared us for the ultimate healing we are about to receive. The current healing cycle is different than anything we've experienced prior, because we're now in a time where we can no longer keep repeating the same patterns that have kept us in energies of lack, limitation, separation, and fear. We used to have all the time in the world to get the lessons from being in these vibrations, but now we are being pushed to learn them instantly. This in itself can feel uncomfortable, almost like we've been turned inside out. However, it has become even more uncomfortable and painful to actually continue being in these energies. Because what we've been used to is no longer working, and the new energies are feeling intense, it's absolutely normal to feel overwhelmed at times.

The important thing right now is to remain consistent with our personal spiritual practices, and to take comfort in the knowing that soon we will come out on the other side feeling better than ever.

I know this may sound odd, but once upon a time, many of us found solace in the old energies of lack, limitation, separation, and fear, even though we knew they didn't serve our greatest good. It may not make sense as to why we found comfort in them, but at the end of the day there is a part of us that finds comfort in what is familiar. It's the mind's way of keeping us safe and protected. So, at some level, when we bought into these energies, we did it as a form of self-protection. Just with this awareness alone, we can start to break the cycle.

The good news is, we no longer have to buy into these energies in order to feel protected. We're in a time right now where we are being supported out of the old survival ways of living directly by the Universe within each of us. As our awareness expands, we are beginning to realize that there's no need to protect ourselves in the ways of the past, because we're starting to realize that there's a Divine and Higher Universal Aspect of ourselves that has kept us safe all along. As the energies continue to emerge and rise collectively, our connection with our Divine and Universal Aspect is becoming stronger to the point where we are able to feel into it even more deeply.

So, true protection becomes more about putting our trust in our Divine and Higher Universal Aspect, and less into those old energies that no longer serve our greatest good. Everything we are going through right now is simply aligning us back to becoming our truest most authentic selves.

On the global stage it will be no different. Starting this month, we're going to experience a series of events that will refuel the energy of uniting people together with the intention of bringing to light the covert and dishonest dealings of many systems still promoting false-realities of separation and fear. The people of Earth have had enough, and it will become more evident soon. There will be a great deal of action happening in the world, so it's absolutely imperative for us to remain detached from the drama that unfolds. It's important to ground ourselves and consciously choose to carry the energy of love everywhere we go.

Healing Defined

As we move through periods of healing, it's important to have a good understanding of what healing really means. As a society, we view healing as having to do with fixing something that appears broken or less than whole in some way. In reality, this is just an illusion we've created for ourselves. True healing is about remembering who we are and what life is all about. It's about breaking through the veil of illusion and connecting with the part of ourselves, others, and ‘all that Is' that has always been whole and perfect. It's the part that has never been hurt or harmed in anyway. Healing allows us to move out of the mind, where we may have created limitations for ourselves and into our hearts, where we already know who we really are. It's when the mind is willing to let go of what it thinks a healing should be or look like, that true healing can occur.

So, the healing happening all over the world right now is not about fixing anything, it's about remembering. With each person that remembers (also known as an awakening) the world vastly shifts. That is how powerful each one of us is. With this realization, we can look at what's happening in our lives and in the world as a journey back to true remembrance. The minute we remember, we no longer allow ourselves to be at the mercy of anything that appears to be outside of ourselves.

The Sponge Effect

Earlier in the forecast, I briefly mentioned that many of us who are quite sensitive have been feeling into the collective cleansing happening at this time more so than others. Usually, those who are feeling into this at this time are known as ‘empaths’. An empathetic person is someone who unconsciously or consciously absorbs energies in their local or global environment. What is the purpose of being empathetic? Empaths are natural ‘alchemists’ without even knowing it. They have the gift of transforming density into light. So, what ends up happening is an empath will absorb those not so good feeling energies around them without knowing it, and when they have the proper tools they are able to transmute them into much higher frequencies. The thing is, many empaths may have not learned how to transmute the dense energies they are absorbing. What ends up happening is they take on the energies of others and their environment as if it were their own, which leaves others around them to feel better, and they, as empathetic people, feel worse.

All the empathetic people in the world are being called to action right now, whether they are aware of it or not. So, if we are someone who is feeling a bit down, helpless, or heavier than usual, and can't really understand why especially after all the spiritual work we've been doing all these years, it could very well be that we are absorbing the density in the collective like a sponge with the purpose of alchemizing it. That's why we see some people who seem completely unscathed by the change happening at this time, while others who have done the work for many years seem to be struggling. This doesn't have to be the case. Simply by learning how to intentionally alchemize the density we are feeling into, we can move back into our power and realize that being an empathetic person is a gift and doesn't have to be a burden.

As we navigate through the next months, the glimpse of magic we've been able to tap into every now and then will become a more permanent fixture in our reality. It's just about letting go & letting love. That's when everything falls into place.

Till next time,

Miraculously yours,


©2009-2012 Emmanuel Dagher, Magnified Manifesting All Rights Reserved You are absolutely welcome to share and distribute these forecasts with others as you feel guided. Please make sure to keep the integrity of this article by including the author & source website link.


Bridging Worlds

Bridging Worlds - February 2012

Peace & blessings my friend,

The energies have turned up another notch once again, after a relatively quiet period from early to mid January. A great contributor to the amplification of energies has been the series of solar activity that lead up to the strongest solar storm since 2005 which occurred on January 22nd. The sun has continued to be quite active since then, which means a great amount of light/energy has been entering Earth's atmosphere. Although it may appear as if exterior circumstances such as solar and cosmic activities are the only things influencing the current personal, global, and universal shifts taking place, however it's also largely a result of the inner personal realigning we and our ancestors have been diligently committed to focusing on for centuries. Yes, we are that powerful. As we change, the world around us changes. Those who have set the intention to move out of fear and into love, and have been taking the necessary action steps to move into this direction have greatly contributed to the global shift in consciousness we are seeing today.

Let's get back to the energy/solar waves from the sun entering our atmosphere. What happens when a great amount of energy enters Earth's atmosphere? Many of us know all too well the answer to this question. On an energetic level, deeply buried emotions come to the surface sometimes appearing to come out of nowhere. It's less important to analyze why these emotions are coming to the surface, and more important to just observe them & let them be. By observing them, we give them room to clear out on their own. When we analyze these emotions, we create resistance within ourselves which usually reburies them until they come back to the surface more amplified the next time around.

On a physical level, feeling more tired than usual, dehydrated, on edge, experiencing digestive discomfort, ringing in the ear, dizziness, and sensitivity to our environment are normal and part of the integration process. During these periods when the energies are a bit more intense than usual, making sure we are well hydrated, nourishing our body/mind/spirit & slowing down to take extra special care of ourselves will greatly help make the energy shifts easier.

Bridging Worlds

Right now, there are two worlds that are coexisting at the same time. There is a world that is still operating from a space of separation and lack, and there is a world that is operating from love and unity. They are both here now. The world which operates on the foundations of love and unity is no longer a future timeline, but a very present reality. We simply have to choose to live in it. The gift of choice is what connects us to the timeline of our current experience.

Now, there are many who are still unconsciously attracting the experience of living in a timeline of separation, without even knowing they have chosen it. Usually, when we look at what causes a world of separation, we see that fear is the contributing factor. The truth is, there is nothing to fear because at our core we are eternal beings that can never be hurt or harmed in anyway. The sooner we adopt this understanding, the quicker we can move into a world that we know is supporting us and never against us.

So, back to those who are unconsciously still living in a world of separation. There is a part of them that is now questioning whether life really has to continue on this path of separation? Could something more hearting be possible in the near horizon? Through these questions, these incredible people are starting to awaken and become thirsty for a world that at its core runs on love and unity, even if they are unable to grasp this concept yet. In fact, that's how many of us got to where we are at today, by using questions like these to empower ourselves?

Here is where many of us who have been dedicated to empowering ourselves to live a more conscious lifestyle are being called to action. Because we are coexisting in two different worlds right now, we have the opportunity to use our knowledge, wisdom, gifts, and talents to serve as bridges to those who are also ready to move out of the world of separation.

It can be easy to get into a space where we may believe that since we've spent such a long time on our inner spiritual development, that we no longer have to contribute to the old world we left behind. However, this sort of mentality creates a type of separation in itself. It creates a type of exclusion that many of us chose to move away from in the first place. When we become inclusive to all, releasing all judgment that one belief, truth, or experience is better than the other, we create a bridge that not only aligns us with a higher vibrational reality; it also creates a space for others to enter a higher reality for themselves.

Understanding the World Bridger

A World Bridger is someone who is compassionate in nature, and who knows that life is about the 'we' rather than it being just about the 'me.' This is where their desire to be all inclusive comes in. The World Bridger also has a way of simplifying highly advanced ancient and new concepts making them accessible, understandable, and digestible for the world. Their ability to keep things simple is a type of alchemy in itself. A World Bridger is also someone who has consciously or unconsciously served as an anchor point throughout their life, with the purpose of grounding in great amounts of life force energy into their geographical location. They tend to be someone who gets along with most personalities and can adapt quickly to whatever environment or situation they are in. And, although they can adapt to any situation, they are consistent in showing up as their true self always. There is very little room for flip flopping who they are, which makes them great anchors for the people in their lives. They also have an ability to keep moving forward without dwelling too much on the past.

When a person is in the presence of a World Bridger, they tend to feel comfortable instantly. This creates the trust that allows the World Bridger to fulfill part of their mission of assisting others in moving out of fear and into love. Also, a World Bridger has the ability to connect the Etheric & Earthly realms in the present moment. They feel completely at home being on planet Earth, and have a strong connection to nature. If we are feeling a resonance and a 'yes' to some or all of these attributes, then we are most likely a World Bridger ourselves, and are more than likely feeling the call to use our abilities to help unite the world. If we're not feeling the 'yes,' it's absolutely perfect too, because it just means we have another role to experience at this time.

The Key

As we continue to move forward, we will experience many more breakthroughs that move us out of the world of separation. One of the most important revelations we will come to collectively understand about what is needed to move us into a more heart-centered society is that the world will be less about being in the mind where most of us have tendencies to over-analyze and more about being in the heart where we allow our feelings to guide us. It's in our hearts that we will find the key to the new world.

Till next time,

Miraculously yours,


©2009-2012 Emmanuel Dagher, Magnified Manifesting All Rights Reserved You are absolutely welcome to share and distribute these forecasts with others as you feel guided. Please make sure to keep the integrity of this article by including the author & source website link.


The Final Countdown

The Final Countdown - January 2012

Happy New Year!

Many of us may have noticed that the last month of 2011 had a similar resonance to the time when we experienced our first *awakening. For some, the awakening process started decades ago, and for others rather recently. Either way, the energies of December gave us the opportunity to have a full circle moment to pause and assess exactly where we are at on our journey right now. This experience allowed us to put in perspective what we are ready to leave behind, and what we are ready to anchor more of us as we move forward.


Most of us know first hand that even though personal awakenings can be a magical time in our lives, they can also be a time of internal stretching that may leave us feeling uncomfortable. Things usually come to the forefront during these times that have not come up for us in a very long time. If we are feeling triggered and we are experiencing emotional roller coaster-like surges, know that it's absolutely normal. If we're being hard on ourselves for feeling like we're repeating something we thought we had overcome long ago, let's be willing to release this pattern once and for all. We may have felt that being hard on ourselves served us in some ways, however it only hinders us from expanding into our greatest selves. From an expanded perspective, an awakening is not a one time occurrence, rather a continual process. We are awakening to our Truest Selves every moment of the day, whether we realize it or not. With this knowing, we can understand if something uncomfortable comes up that seems similar to an experience we've had in the past, it just means there's still a gift in that experience trying to reveal itself to us.

When something does come back up or feels like a repeat of something that didn't feel too good to us in the past, we can also just ease into the knowing that it could very well be a deeply rooted energy coming to the surface now ready for us to release completely. The key to moving through the discomforts of an awakening is to be easy on ourselves, and to believe in the power of our strength. We have more endurance than we could ever imagine, and it's this endurance that has brought us to this point of our personal evolution where we are now remembering who we really are and uniting as One people.

While some of us went through some uncomfortable stretching this past month, many of us also started to feel reconnected to ourselves and the Universe again. Some of us were presented with situations that could have in the past triggered us in an unhealthy way, but instead we chose to love and appreciate these same situations. This was extraordinary confirmation that let us know we have made great progress in healing and releasing the energies that no longer serve us anymore. An example of this could have shown up during the holidays when we got together with extended family and friends.

The exciting news is that as we enter January, we will be completing the tail end of the seeming overwhelming energies we experienced in December. This means that a great deal of the things we've been processing through will start to resolve themselves more quickly, and a new lightness will start to emerge. It's a lightness that is most definitely welcomed.

Back To Basics

As we start a fresh new year, going back to the basics when it comes to our personal and spiritual practice will greatly provide us a solid foundation. This foundation will come in handy especially since the frenzy-like atmosphere will continue to go on around us for a while longer. By creating a solid foundation for ourselves, we are able to quickly detach from the boisterous noise going on around us and remain grounded in our peaceful center.

Everyone has their own unique practice that works well for them. Some of these practices may include having a daily gratitude journal, affirmative prayer, meditation, sacred dancing/body movement, being of service, practicing forgiveness, energy healing, connecting with nature, reading, coloring, etc... Whatever our practice is, consistency is the key. The more consistent we are with our practice, the more palpable our results will be.

Creating Community

There's great comfort in knowing that we are not alone and that others may also be going through similar experiences as us. Just this knowing alone creates a sort of healing that opens up the heart to finally let others get close to us again. For the many of us who have lead lives mostly living in isolation as a result of feeling disconnected from how the current earth matrix was operating, opening ourselves up to co-creating a community with others may still feel like a tall order. However, due to the fact that we have been moving out of a dualistic society and into a more united society, it will become easier to reconnect with our soul family once again.

Creating our community, no matter how small or large it may seem will provide us with the extra support needed to allow for a smoother transition into our very new heart-centered realities. We don't have to go at life alone anymore. It's okay to give and receive support and love; we just have to be willing to open up our arms and say 'YES' to it. 2012 will be the year of community.

The Final Countdown

So, the final countdown to making our highest visions a reality has begun. In this coming year, a tipping point will occur that forever changes our paradigm as we know it. For the first time in a very long time (we're talking thousands of years) the collective consciousness will reach a critical point where more people become awakened than non-awakened. We are very close to that point already, even though at times it may look and feel otherwise. If we think our physical realities have been changing at a fast pace these past few years, things will most definitely be turned up many notches as the global consciousness continues to rise. This will lead to even more personal and global readjustments that continue to assist us in moving out of the era of fear, and into the new unfolding era of love.

As the tipping point is reached where many more become awakened to what's really going on, it will become more clear that our beliefs are what create our reality. Will we choose to focus on the miracles and abundant blessings all around us so that we can attract more of those experiences? I have complete faith that we already are and will continue to do so.

Till next time,

Miraculous yours,


©2009-2012 Emmanuel Dagher, Magnified Manifesting All Rights Reserved You are absolutely welcome to share and distribute these forecasts with others as you feel guided. Please make sure to keep the integrity of this article by including the author & source website link.

*Awakening - 1. A time in our lives where everything seems to 'click' into place, and a lifting of the veils occurs that remind us of the Omnipotence within & all around us. 2. Divine clarity that bypasses all illusion reconnecting us to our truest & highest pure potential. Moving out of the mechanical mind & into the higher mind which also happens to be connected to the heart center. Sometimes we may feel stretched during times of great awakenings , because our awareness is changing so quickly.


The Year of Epic Transformation

The Year of Epic Transformation

December 2011

Hi my amazing friend,

As the year 2011 comes to a close, and we briefly reflect back at what this year has brought into our personal & collective lives, it becomes clear that 2011 has been the year of epic transformation.

Noticing What Is Already Here

As a result of habit & conditioning, many of us (including those in conscious communities) may have a tendency to always look for the next big 'thing,' 'event,' or 'experience' to happen we feel will bring us closer to the expected changes we deem necessary as proof we are in fact 'awakening.' Although having a sense of excitement about the amazing possibilities that may be in store for us is healthy, being heavily focused on what's next all the time can really prevent us from noticing the miraculous transformation that is already happening right now.

Let's take a quick inventory of some confirmations we've had this year letting us know we have indeed moved into an era of higher global consciousness. In areas of community & social change, the Middle East paved the way early in 2011 & is still undergoing a radical facelift moving away from the archaic fear tactics created by leaders in that region for thousands of years. Now, people from all walks of life are no longer allowing themselves to be 'led' by a select few who have thrived on making “fear” a big part of the daily life of their people. Since early 2011, social change has spread far & wide across the globe and is now more evident than ever with the Occupy Wall Street movement. No matter how much the media tries to trivialize this movement, it has lasted long enough to begin changing the global conversation. The foundation of this conversation being, how do we, as a society, step back into our Divine power as a whole rather than give our power away to a select few?

The change is also starting to be felt in the monetary systems. For the past few months, as I mentioned in some previous forecasts, the dismantling of the World Financial Banking systems has been well on course. For example, if we look at what's happening in Europe and the United States, we can see that some countries are really struggling to hold on to their old ways of doing business and as a result their economies have already or are starting to crash. This is creating an unstable atmosphere which in turn creates a rippling effect around the world. In fact, on November 28th European leaders came to the U.S. to discuss how they can move out of the economic crisis they have created. This move is definitely a sign that we are on a brink of a major breakthrough, because the old ways of running things is no longer working.

Another confirmation that the old paradigm is losing steam very quickly is the fact that nothing can remain hidden anymore due to the beautiful discovery of social media platforms through the internet. Literally, whether it's Prime Ministers, News Corporation Owners, Renowned Football Coaches, or anyone/anything operating from lack of integrity, everything is coming out in the open for the world to see. Many of us may also see this happening in our personal lives. There's nothing to fear when there's nothing to hide. Although many of the confirmations I just shared have people thinking its grounds to move into panic mode, all of these experiences are simply nudging us in the direction of choosing to live our lives with integrity & honesty always.

There are many other global shifts we've experienced this past year through geological & climate changes that also confirm Mother Earth is reconfiguring herself to support our collective shift in consciousness. There have also been new discoveries. Recently, the remains of an other-worldly being were discovered in Peru, shaking things up for the scientific community that we may not be the only beings that exist in the Universe. Also in 2011, there were a few important discoveries that went a bit un-noticed that showed us other worlds similar to our planet did indeed exist out in the cosmos. These discoveries will eventually pick up traction and come to the forefront. Of course many of us have known that life exists across all Universes, however it's an amazing step in the right direction that the masses are also figuring it out.

Just as everything externally seems to be changing, it's all a mirror of how we are changing from within. The year 2011 has greatly magnified the sensitivity factor in each of us. Being sensitive is actually an amazing indicator that we are becoming more clear and aware of energy, and we can no longer tolerate energy that is not in alignment with our greatest good. Whether it be sensitivity to foods we eat, old habits we are still engaging in, people we surround ourselves with, products, or movies we watch, it's important to see if these things are enhancing our life or taking away from it. Even those who may not have classified themselves as being sensitive are starting to feel the changes. It's up to those of us who have always been sensitive to really step up & assist those who have no clue on what’s happening within & all around them. I know it may seem challenging at times to even want to assist due to the fact that many of us “sensitives” did not have anyone supporting us, however we now have the opportunity to show ourselves how much we've really evolved by choosing to assist others who may be struggling.

We Are the Ones

Recently, I heard people in some conscious circles express their disappointment that 'nothing happened' after the Mayan Calendar came to an end on October 28th, and after passing through the November 11th energy portal. Energy dates are just here to serve as anchor points reminding us that with the power of our own intention, we are co-creating the new world. It's interesting to observe how people react in different ways. I've noticed that those who focus a great deal on something/someone outside of themselves to save or fix the world are constantly disappointed with most things going on in their lives. Those who have realized that we are the creators of our lives, and are the ones we've been waiting for, are constantly aware of all the miraculous transformation we are creating at this time. These are usually the people actively doing their part to bring about the changes we have been witnessing on the planet.

This leads me to a message I received during a meditation recently. The message was that if we keep looking for something/someone outside of ourselves to intervene or 'save' us from what we perceive to be a difficult circumstance, we prevent ourselves from receiving life-changing lessons & gifts from that experience. It's in these valuable lessons & gifts that we end the patterns that lead to those very difficult experiences. So, if we keep looking to be 'saved,' and let's say it even happened at some point, we'd find a way of getting ourselves right back to the same difficult situation we were in before we were saved. Why? Because, we have not learned the lessons we were meant to learn from creating that experience. When we choose to take full responsibility that we are the creators of our lives, and are willing to walk through all of our experiences knowing that there are many gifts & blessings in them, we can then start to attract a reality more in alignment with the greatest vision we have for our lives and for the world.

Time Acceleration

Since the 11.11 gateway & the completion of the Mayan Calendar, linear time seems to have accelerated many folds. A good amount of us are feeling extremely tired and many seeming issues that we felt we had resolved seem to be popping right back up. This serves as a gauge to how far we have come with our inner healing. If we are still being triggered by these old issues, it simply lets us know that we have a little more work to do. If we're not triggered, we know that we have moved on. Usually, after big energy shifts happen, we need to allot ourselves some time to integrate with the new energies. That's what is happening right now. Although the moments of clarity and feeling super connected to everything are happening more often, we may still be experiencing some energy highs & lows which eventually will balance out. Feeling tired could also be coming up as a result of all the multi dimensional work we are doing during our sleep state. If we are waking up and still feeling very tired, we are most definitely working in other realms of existence.

We are being given the opportunity right now to slow down a bit, take a break, and reflect at all the blessings this year has brought us. Yes, even in the seeming challenges which I like to call blessings in disguise. It's an excellent time to express our gratitude to the Universe within us for making the shift into higher global consciousness a very real experience. 2011 has been the year of epic transformation, wouldn't you say so?

Till next time,

Miraculously Yours,


©2009-2011 Emmanuel Dagher, Magnified Manifesting All Rights Reserved You are absolutely welcome to share and distribute these forecasts with others as you feel guided. Please make sure to keep the integrity of this article by including the author & source website link.