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Entries in rejection (1)


Overcoming Rejection

Rejection to our inner child can be debilitating, because she/he often internalizes it as feedback that there's something wrong with us, or that we are lacking something in some way.

The truth is, rejection has zero to do with who we are, and everything to do with the mind allowing itself to believe that we have ever lacked anything in the first place.

Rejection to our mind and inner child is a real experience, and it's important to fully honor and acknowledge that. When we do, we can actually take the first steps to making ourselves resilient to it. This will come handy whenever we are made to feel powerless, or anything less than the extraordinary being we have been created to be.

So many people allow rejection to control their lives by allowing it to hold them back from living their greatest dreams.

Have you ever given up on something, or dimmed your light because you felt you'd be rejected, or that someone would say no? Have you ever self-sabotaged yourself, or started something new that felt exciting to you, and then never finished it because insecurities started to show up? If you're being honest, then you probably answered yes. As humans, we've all felt rejected at one time in our lives, and have allowed ourselves to hide as a result of it.

For those of us who are empaths, and tend to want to please everyone around us, rejection can be extra painful. Then, imagine what those empaths who are putting themselves out in the world in a very open way with the intention of inspiring and empowering humanity are going through? To them, rejection is a daily occurrence they have to live with.

However, here are a few things that can help us make peace with rejection so that we can continue shining our light as bright as billions of combined suns:

1. Understand that everyone goes through rejection, and we're not alone.

2. Our Spirit knew we could handle it, that's why we're being called to be such a powerful light for humanity (whether with a platform or behind the scenes,) and contribute to raising the consciousness of the planet.

3. We can use rejection as feedback that something more expansive, and aligned with who we really are is headed our way.

4. Whenever we feel rejected, we can find an opportunity to make others feel even more seen, heard, and acknowledged in an authentic way. And of course, make sure we are doing the exact same for ourselves.

5. We can pamper and nurture ourselves often, as a form of self-love and respect. This will make it so that no matter what is going on in the world around us, our love for ourselves makes it so that we have our own back unconditionally. Then, we can process through any rejection coming our way much more quickly.

For those of us who have ever felt rejected and abandoned in any way, know that you are not alone. I see your light, and love you very much.

With gratitude,