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Self Confidence

Being of service through our time & gifts (such as volunteering at mentor-ship programs for kids, at nursing homes, after school & arts programs, cleaning up the local community etc..) instantly puts us in the energy of overflow. When we are feeling less than confident, usually we believe we are 'lacking' in some way. In reality, we can't be in lack when we are giving, it's just impossible because no matter where we are at in our lives, we still know we have something to offer. Through service, our confidence in ourselves, gifts, & talents will flourish.


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Knowing Our Purpose

When we simplify our purpose to what makes our heart sing, we no longer have to carry the anxiety & pressure we've created for ourselves to have to be on purpose. We can ease into the knowing that by doing things that bring us joy each day, we are already on purpose.


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Divine Recognition 

The secret I've found is that whenever we feel like we don't matter, finding an opportunity to 'divinely recognize' others for who they really are, which means we are letting others know they matter, instantly opens us up to allowing the Universe to remind us that we matter as well. If, for some reason we feel a block to experiencing this 'divine recognition' from others & the Universe, then it's important to 'recognize' ourselves first. What does 'divine recognition' mean? It simply means we look past the illusion & remember the omnipotence that is within each cell & fiber of our physical, emotional, mental, & spiritual being.


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The Power of Smiling

Studies have shown that smiling (the bigger the better) for at least 30 seconds releases powerful chemicals from the brain that promotes a feeling of well-being to every cell of the body. Even if a person doesn't feel like smiling, simply going through the motions at first will begin to trigger a sense of joy.


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Being patient simply means we have the ability to release the time constraints, specific expectations, & pressures we put on ourselves that tend to only limit us. While being patient we can still be pro-active towards our goals by taking steps towards making our deepest desires a reality. When we realize that we can be patient & pro-active at the same time, blessings become a daily occurrence rather than something we sit & wait long periods of time for.


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Asking For What We Really Want

When we give ourselves permission to ask for what we really want, the Universe begins to give us experiences that mirror our asking. It's not about living the life we think others want for us, it's about living the life we want to create for ourselves. Here's a great question we can begin asking ourselves. "Are we experiencing a reality that is making our heart sing, or are we settling in order to please others?"


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Being courageous is simply having the ability to trust that the Universe is fully supporting & guiding us no matter what transitions we may be going through. With courage, a powerful environment is created for great expansion to occur in every area of our lives.


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Divine Surrender

There is a huge difference between giving up & surrendering. Surrendering is about allowing our greatest life vision to unfold in front of us with ease and grace. The act of surrendering moves us out of trying to control our lives, and back to becoming the creator of our lives. In fact, when we truly surrender, we know that we are not losing anything, rather we are gaining everything.


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A secret to conscious creating 

By focusing on anchoring the qualities of our desired manifestation rather than the actual specifics, we open ourselves us up to the vast blessings the Universe sends our way on a daily basis. The blessings no longer go unnoticed.


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From fear to breakthrough

Fear is an indicator that big breakthroughs are just around the corner. It's an indicator that we are about to shake things up & expand out of our comfort zone. So, when we consciously choose to step into that which we fear the most, for example: Public Speaking, traveling alone, meeting new people, heights, taking risks, etc... then we know that the fear is simply an opportunity to create amazing transformation in our lives, and soon enough we'll look back & wonder why we allowed ourselves to live in such fear for so long.


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